Appearances: Anime North 2005, Anime Expo 2005, Ani-Magic 2005, Winter Shoppingland 2005, FanimeCon 2006 Awards: Hall Cosplay Award at Ani-Magic 2005 What I Love: The arm and leg guards. Yayayayay. :D And the petals, but they were carried over from the DOA2 version. ^^; What I Don't: Can't think of anything, aside from my current lack of my own sword. ;.; Status: Retired
Inspiration and Etc.: DOA3 was out! DOA Ultimate was out! Basically, my DOA2 Kasumi was behind with the times. I set out to make a complete updated version of Kasumi's player two outfit. I was just gonna make DOA3 version with the new arm and leg guards, and extra edging on the bottom. But then I saw the Ultimate artwork where she had the gold tipped gloves and wanted to add that. So though you could just call this DOA3 Kasumi, in all technicality it's the Ultimate version. XD;
Construction / Costume Notes: The only reason these two costumes (DOA2 & DOAU) are separated is because the alterations on this one stand out quite a bit to me. I bought a whole bunch of bias tape, new white fabric, gold metallic ribbon, and went to work. The additions on this to make it the newest Kasumi incarnation were kinda rushed because I didn't have a chance to work on them until I arrived at Anime North 2005. ^^; Since I glued everything together, it was actually a real pain. Why? Metallic ribbon. Ow. After a failed costume a few years prior to this where I was using a metallic fabric, you'd think I'd've known not to use hot glue with it by now. T_T But everything turned out all right. I'd like to add a stiff backing to the arm guards so that they stick out more like hers, and probably the same with the leg guards. However, the leg guards tend to look better and stiffer than the arm guards as is; the gold cording attaching them to my legs seems to keep them up nicely. ^^ For this version I decided to wear my clear stilettos left over from my Ruruna cosplay. They're hidden under the leg guards and I don't think they really take anything away from the overall look. :3 Besides, I'm short and they tend to make me a more even height with the rest of the group at most DOA gatherings! Also, I finally attached ribbon between the front and back flaps, since before I inaccurately just had it hanging off the sides of my panties... o_o I didn't realize that was wrong until later. ^^;;
Note about the Winter Shoppingland pics: The mark on the top of my right shoulder is actually the stamp they gave me as proof of membership, since they were out of badges when I arrived. XD; Some people asked if it was a tattoo, so I wanted to clarify that~ ^^
Photos: Anime North 2005
Anime Expo 2005
Ani-Magic 2005
Winter Shoppingland 2005
FanimeCon 2006
First Created: May 2005 (out of an outfit originally made June 2003) Last Tweaked: n/a Created by: Michi Special Thanks: Same as last version, but nothing new here~ Photo Credits:Chibik3r0, MegaMako, Eurobeat King, Hofuzz, Ohmi, and Moogleborg
Character Background: Kasumi is one of the main characters, if not the best known, of the Dead or Alive fighting game series from Tecmo. This white alternate is fairly constant as her 2nd costume in the games, though the specific version here with these details was used after Dead or Alive 3 and has stayed this way since then. As a ninja, Kasumi is very serious and rarely has time to goof off or have fun. She is a runaway shinobi needing to constantly stay out of the eye of her past clan, as she is considered a traitor.